13 research outputs found

    Acute flaccid paralysis with anterior myelitis - California, June 2012-June 2014.

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    In August 2012, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) was contacted by a San Francisco Bay area clinician who requested poliovirus testing for an unvaccinated man aged 29 years with acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) associated with anterior myelitis (i.e., evidence of inflammation of the spinal cord involving the grey matter including anterior horn cell bodies) and no history of international travel during the month before symptom onset. Within 2 weeks, CDPH had received reports of two additional cases of AFP with anterior myelitis of unknown etiology. Testing at CDPH's Viral and Rickettsial Disease Laboratory for stool, nasopharyngeal swab, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) did not detect the presence of an enterovirus (EV), the genus of the family Picornaviridae that includes poliovirus. Additional laboratory testing for infectious diseases conducted at the CDPH Viral and Rickettsial Disease Laboratory did not identify a causative agent to explain the observed clinical syndrome reported among the patients. To identify other cases of AFP with anterior myelitis and elucidate possible common etiologies, CDPH posted alerts in official communications for California local health departments during December 2012, July 2013, and February 2014. Reports of cases of neurologic illness received by CDPH were investigated throughout this period, and clinicians were encouraged to submit clinical samples for testing. A total of 23 cases of AFP with anterior myelitis of unknown etiology were identified. Epidemiologic and laboratory investigation did not identify poliovirus infection as a possible cause for the observed cases. No common etiology was identified to explain the reported cases, although EV-D68 was identified in upper respiratory tract specimens of two patients. EV infection, including poliovirus infection, should be considered in the differential diagnosis in cases of AFP with anterior myelitis and testing performed per CDC guidelines

    Reconsidering cattle as a reservoir for Escherichia coli O157:H7

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    Escherichia coli O157:H7 is a potentially fatal foodborne pathogen with a putative reservoir for human infection in feedlot cattle. In order to more effectively identify targets for intervention strategies, we aimed in this study to (1) assess the role of various feedlot habitats in E. coli O157:H7 propagation and (2) provide a framework for examining the relative contributions of animals and the surrounding environment to observed pathogen dynamics. To meet these goals, we developed a mathematical model to track bacterial population dynamics inside and outside the host. We used E. coli O157:H7 microbiological and epidemiological literature to characterize E. coli O157:H7 habitats at the pen level and account for E. coli O157:H7 population processes in water troughs, feedbunks, cattle hosts, and pen floors in the model. Simulations indicated that E. coli O157:H7 was capable of maintaining viable populations in the feedlot without net growth in the cattle gastrointestinal tract, suggesting E. coli O157:H7 may not always act as an obligate parasite. Water troughs and contaminated pen floors appeared to be particularly influential sources driving E. coli O157:H7 population dynamics and thus would serve as prime environmental targets for interventions to effectively reduce the E. coli O157:H7 load at the pen level

    The risk and control of Salmonella outbreaks in calf-raising operations: a mathematical modeling approach

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    Salmonellosis in calves has economic and welfare implications, and serves as a potential source of human infections. Our objectives were to assess the risk of Salmonella spread following its introduction into a herd of pre-weaned calves and to evaluate the efficacy of control strategies to prevent and control outbreaks. To meet these objectives, we developed a model of Salmonella transmission within a pre-weaned group of calves based on a well documented outbreak of salmonellosis in a calf-raising operation and other literature. Intervention scenarios were evaluated in both deterministic and stochastic versions of the model. While the basic reproduction number (R0R_0) was estimated to be 2.4, simulation analysis showed that more than 60% of the invasions failed after the introduction of a single index case. With repeated introduction of index cases, the probability of Salmonella spread was close to 1, and the tested control strategies were insufficient to prevent transmission within the group. The most effective strategies to control ongoing outbreaks were to completely close the rearing operation to incoming calves, to increase the proportion of admitted calves that were immunized (>75>75%), and to assign personnel and equipment to groups of calves

    Evolution of Ebola Virus Disease from Exotic Infection to Global Health Priority, Liberia, Mid-2014

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    Over the span of a few weeks during July and August 2014, events in West Africa changed perceptions of Ebola virus disease (EVD) from an exotic tropical disease to a priority for global health security. We describe observations during that time of a field team from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and personnel of the Liberian Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. We outline the early epidemiology of EVD within Liberia, including the practical limitations on surveillance and the effect on the country’s health care system, such as infections among health care workers. During this time, priorities included strengthening EVD surveillance; establishing safe settings for EVD patient care (and considering alternative isolation and care models when Ebola Treatment Units were overwhelmed); improving infection control practices; establishing an incident management system; and working with Liberian airport authorities to implement EVD screening of departing passengers